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Ahhoz, hogy a könyvet tanárok és diákok a legnagyobb haszonnal forgassák, a követke zô - ket érdemes még tekintetbe venni: A feladatsorok mintafeladatokat tartalmaznak, ami azt jelenti, hogy az angol nyelvi érettségi vizsgán ugyanilyen jellegû, de nem ugyanezek a feladatok fordulnak majd elô; A feladatok autentikus szövegekre épülnek, aminek a következtében egyes szövegek a középszintû érettségi követelményeihez képest nehéznek tûnhetnek.

Ne feledjük azonban, hogy a valós életben sem az éppen aktuális tudásszintünkhöz igazított szövegekkel találkozunk, másrészrôl pedig a feladatok nehézségi fokában érvényesül a grade the task not the text elve, tehát a feladatok a középszinten elvárható követelményekhez alkalmazkodnak; A könyvnek nem a nyelvtanítás a célja, hanem az érettségire való felkészülés elôsegí tése nyelvi és a feladatok típusára vonatkozó szempontból.

A CD-n helyszûke miatt csak a feladatsorok elsô feladatánál hangzik el a bevezetô utasítás, a többinél csak a szituáció leírása és a konkrét feladatmeghatározás hallható. Szintén terjedelmi okokból a szövegek csak egyszer hangzanak el.

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  • Танкадо посмотрел на женщину, поднеся исковерканные пальцы прямо к ее лицу, как бы умоляя понять .
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A két sípszó a második meghallgatásához szükséges 30 mp-es szüneteket jelzi. Ezek elhangzásakor kérjük a CD-t félpercre leállítani.

Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page. There are two extra letters that you do not need. There is an example 0 for you. 6mr suisse anti aging only design what I would like to wear, so I only wear my own design.

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The most important thing is that whatever I put on should be in harmony with my lifestyle. A woman should be able to like her appearance, whatever her size.

However, it should be kept in mind that some styles don t work in larger sizes. Looking good is about confidence and that comes from how your clothes make you feel. If a woman feels good in her clothes, she ll look good. There are dresses that look good on the models and terrible on real people, but most mistakes don t go that formula 22 anti aging szérum. A How long have you been a fashion designer?

B What do you think of dressing bigger women? C Which has been your worst design? D What age group likes your designs the best? E Do you wear dresses you designed yourself?

Шесть месяцев назад, когда Фонд электронных границ обнародовал информацию о том, что подводная лодка АНБ прослушивает подводные телефонные кабели, Стратмор организовал утечку информации о том, что эта подводная лодка на самом деле занимается незаконным сбросом токсичных отходов. ФЭГ и экологи так и не смогли установить, какая из двух версий соответствует истине, и средства массовой информации в конце концов устали от всей этой истории и перешли к другим темам. Каждый шаг Стратмора был рассчитан самым тщательным образом. Строя свои планы, Стратмор целиком полагался на собственный компьютер.

F How important is comfort in the clothes you design? G When does a woman look good in your opinion?

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H What are you most tired of in the fashion world? I Do you like to be dressed formally or in a casual way?

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Match the statements 7 16 below with one of the texts. Put the letter of the bar next to the statements on the line. An example 0 has been given to you. A This is the time to go to Abades, a cool oasis from the streets. When you enter you feel you are in an 18 th century villa.

Inti - mate boxes circle an elegant central courtyard where a large fountain springs in harmony to classical music. Young lovers and groups of friends sit among exotic plants and flowers. Antique handpainted tiles de - corate the walls.

Selected Studies of Eugene Csocsán de Várallja

A glass of Sangria and you are ready to go back on the streets. B Walk into The Crown on a rainy October evening and you ll 6mr suisse anti aging yourself in one of the nicest bars of the country.

The Crown s chatty rain coated guests know it simply as a great place for a chilled dark beer washed down with local gossip. For those who prefer a lighter drink, there is a light beer clear from the bar tap.

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C Bramante is part of the new generation of bars. Situated in the middle of the city s historic centre, it attracts a crowd of local people who want to see and be seen while sitting comfortably in leather and iron armchairs or designer bar stools. In the summer outdoor seating offers views of the ca pital s most popular square and of a well-known 15 th century church. D Standing on Santa Monica Boulevard just a short walk from Warner Studios, the For mosa has been watering the movie industry with its well-mixed cocktails for half a century.

Customers sit comfortably in 6mr suisse anti aging boxes watching the collection of photographs of the old generation. Under their photos new stars drink their cocktails and dream the dream.

D 7 At this bar you can enjoy watching busy street life. For questions match the half sentences so that they express the main ideas of the text. Write the letters in the boxes as shown in the example 0. In that time, they have taken just three days off work: two for funerals and one for a wedding their own.

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  3. (PDF) Selected Studies of Eugene Csocsán de Várallja | Eugene Csocsán de Várallja - tech-trend.hu
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What makes you do it? I ask Gérard, whose arms are plunged deep in soapy water. We both used to work for a large, famous hotel in Paris, he replies. It was great, but then we felt that we needed a change! Soon after that, Gérard inherited this small hotel.

They have not looked back since.


We have regular customers, who we inherited with the building, adds Sylvie. This means it has been easy to plan ahead, but naturally there has been some resistance to change. The best thing about running a small hotel, says Gérard, is that we can provide our guests with the personal touch. Only having a few customers at a time, I soon learnt how Monsieur Lefevre likes his eggs cooked and what brand of cigarette he smokes.

Of course, in a small hotel you cannot keep too many things in stock. Other things might go bad while waiting to be used.

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Sylvie s solution is simple: If we suddenly need something, we send out Jacques to the local hypermarket. Jacques, Gérard s younger brother, also came with the hotel. He does not seem to mind this much work. This small hotel will certainly have a rosy future. Tourists flock to the area in their thousands in summer.

But there are few guests in winter, which means that the owners have fewer permanent staff than they would like.

Fortunately, they can rely heavily on the help of family and friends when the big rush is on. B with the help of the family and friends. C that the guests can experience the personal touch. D as opposed to the thousands in summer. E to run a hotel of their own two years ago. F the future of the hotel looks promising.

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G they wanted to face a new challenge. H they often only buy them when they are needed. I as they both had worked in the business before E 9 1. Give short answers maximum words to questions There is an example 0 for you.

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A local independent company, Mother Mix is trying to bring music to the public by public transportation. The company s strategy is to sell CDs through local taxi and minibus drivers: during the journey, passengers can listen to the tunes of the newest hiphop band.

All the CDs or cassette tapes played are for sale.

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Drivers receive a starter kit with posters and informational brochures about the Mother Mix concept, and a trial CD and cassette. Mother Mix is just one of many independent companies trying to set their 6mr suisse anti aging on South Africa s still developing music market, dominated now by global imports. They say that they re in better touch with the sounds on South African streets than the companies based in London or New York. Because they do not have to spend money on marketing, Mother Mix can sell their taxi CDs at a third of the cost.

By public transportation. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to write the missing words on the lines 1 9 after the text. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example 0 at the beginning. At first the airplane did not attract as 0 public attention as other inventions in its time because flying was dangerous. Yet it soon 1 a great success. Although airplanes had 2 used in World War I, their instability and poor control made them 3 useful than other weapons.

So the airplane 4 put aside as an impractical invention. After World War I, however, it started to become a hit.

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Even though the plane became widely used throughout America, it was not taken seriously until the government 5 to use it to transport mail. Instead of receiving longdistance mail in a few weeks, one 6 now receive it in a few days. As air mail became more popular, other industries began turning to the airplane as a method of carrying goods and people that was much 7 than land transport. Some verb forms are missing from the text.

Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the words in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps 10 18 on the lines.

The only problem was, it was well past midnight and there 0 was other cities around the world, there could have 10 be no milk in the fridge. In many be only one outcome of the story: no hot chocolate. But not in New York.

She showed me her expensive new tiny round light brown Dani sh plastic penci! His small bl ack eyes were hosti le.

It was the matter of a moment to walk downstairs and stroll into the corner supermarket, which 11 open 24 hours a day. When I 12 move to New York from Switzerland, where most groceries close for lunch and then shut their door for the day at six, I found that 13 live in America, where stores invite customers long hours on weekdays and both days on weekends, was unbelievably comfortable.

Then it kept getting even better when Korean immigrants opened their all-night greengrocer shops, where New Yorkers could 14 drink something and buy what they needed. As the population of the city that never 15 sleep welcomed the hour greengrocers, the supermarket chains felt they could not afford 16 lose out on these customers.

Today, the sun never sets on the New York supermarket. I often hear older Americans 17 say this is new for them, too. Sure, you could find a Sunday paper at the corner drugstore, a friend explained, but otherwise everything used 18 close on Sunday.

It seems hard to believe today, but until the s it was illegal in most American states to sell alcohol on a Sunday. But that, as Americans like to say, was then 12 1. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list A M for each gap 19 27 in the text.

Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There are three extra words that you do not need to use. The only difference 0 the two is that a murderer robs you of your entire life in one go, while a latecomer robs you 19 little bits of your life, every day.

I must say I have sympathy with this argument. I believe the world is 20 into those who are on 6mr suisse anti aging, and those who are not the Stickler, and the Ambler. The Stickler runs 21 place to place in a panic, catching sleeves in doors. In doing so, she is expressing a feeling that if the deadline isn t 22the world will move on without her. The Ambler, on the other hand, strolls into appointments twenty minutes late.

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He arrogantly believes that 23 schedule can be manipulated to suit himself so 24 hurry? Of course, Amblers don t think they are selfish.

They usually see 25 as chaotic, as if chaos were an incurable virus 26 during childhood. Such people have no sense of time and so write ridiculous schedules. Just 27 the weak is drawn towards the strong, so the Stickler will be drawn towards the Ambler.

She will marry him and grind her teeth to powder for the rest of her days. Your task will be to write the missing word into each gap in the script of the recording.