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Imre Nagy and Gyula Nagy, 7 vols. Budapest, — AUO Árpádkori új okmánytár, ed. Gusztáv Wenzel, 12 vols. Pest, — Római jog, kánonjog, szokásjog Budapest, Martyn Rady Cambridge, Corpus Statutorum Hungariae Municipalium, A magyar törvényhatóságok jogszabályainak gyűjteménye, eds. Sándor Kolosvári and Kelemen Óvári, 5 vols.


János M. Bak et al. The first volume appeared in a second edition in and is referred to in the footnotes as HO Hazai okmánytár, eds.

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Imre Nagy, Dezső Véghely et al. Győr and Budapest, — Dezső Márkus, 6 vols. Monumenta Comitialia Monumenta Comitialia regni Hungariae, eds. Vilmos Fraknói and Árpád Károlyi, 12 vols.

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MZsO Magyar-Zsidó oklevéltár, eds. Ultimate skin anti age complete avis Friss, Sándor Scheiber et al.

Pesty-Magina Diplome privind istoria comitatului Timiş şi a oraşului Timişoara—Oklevelek Temesvármegye és Temesvár város történetéhez —, eds. Dictionary: NOSD Imre Szentpétery and Iván Borsa, 2 vols. Tripartitum opus iuris consuetudinarii inclyti regni Hungariae per Stephanum de Werbewcz editum Vienna,publ.

Стратмор попытался их удержать, но не сумел. За мгновение до того, как они сомкнулись, Сьюзан, потеряв равновесие, упала на пол за дверью. Коммандер, пытаясь приоткрыть дверь, прижал лицо вплотную к узенькой щелке. - Господи Боже мой, Сьюзан, с тобой все в порядке. Она встала на ноги и расправила платье.

ZsO Zsigmondkori oklevéltár, eds. Tóth et al. Whether the Hungarians, who were a nomadic Turkic people des- cended from the Onogurs whence their namewere accompanied by Finno-Ugric tribes of Magyar speakers, or whether they found the Magyars already established in the area of modern-day Hungary, is uncertain.

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The conversion of Hungarians and Magyars to Christianity during the eleventh century contributed to their common identity. A silver coinage, stamped with the portrait and title of the monarch, provided a visible symbol of the unifying power accumulated by the new royal line. The literary evidence is reviewed in C. Budapest, etc. During the first years of the eleventh century, St Stephen began the con- quest of Transylvania, a territory that had been previously ruled by a rival Hun- garian chieftain.


His successors would go on to capture Slavonia, which lay between the Rivers Drava and Sava, and then, aroundbring the kingdom of Croatia modern-day Dalmatia under their sway. In the task of territorial expansion, mili- tary roadways were driven southwards through Hungary that supplemented the surviving Roman roads. Farther to the north, in the area of Rábaköz, a complex canal and irrigation work extending over 22 square kilometres had been completed by no later than around The royal court was famously lavish, but the late twelfth-century ground plans of, for instance, the cathedrals of Pécs and Alba Iulia 4 See the Gesta Hungarorum of the Hungarian Anonymus ch.

 Мне нужна «Цифровая крепость!» - настаивал Нуматака. - Никакой «Цифровой крепости» не существует! - сказал Стратмор.

Bak, Martyn Rady and László Veszprémy, eds. A translation of the Anonymus Chronicle, composed c. For the titles of judges, see Gyula Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, 2nd ultimate skin anti age complete avis, 2 vols.

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Berlin,ii, Cross, ed. Ormrod, Margaret Bonney and Richard Bonney, eds.

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Otto of Freising, who traversed Hungary in the s, recorded the miserable huts of the people, their primitive weaponry, and the arbitrary justice dispensed by their king. The Hungarian ruler depended for his power, so Otto explained, on a retinue of for- eign knights and mercenaries.

The king and druzhina, however, maintained through their periodic traversing of the realm a check on these local lords, rotating them from one part of the kingdom to the other, lest through territorialization they a­ ccumulate too inde- pendent a power. Afterthe volume of available material ­increases rapidly.

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Almost all the royal archive perished in the immediate aftermath of the Turkish victory at Mohács in Translated in C. Svájci élelmiszerimport anti aging, ed. See also, János M. On the tension between the druzhina and the territor­ ialization of power, see more generally Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism London,—3.

Budapest,2, Taken together, this thirteenth-century material suggests a society in crisis—where the royal power was under threat both from lordly ambition and from an emerging class of nobility that was intent upon capturing the royal institutions of government. Yet an impression is all it can be. In the absence of comparable m ­ aterial from the preceding centuries, we cannot say for sure whether the thirteenth cen- tury witnessed a sudden social and political transformation or whether it saw ­instead the continuation of trends that had been going on for several hundred years.

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The Árpád dynasty expired in The extent to which the government and administration of the kingdom was transformed by the Habsburg succession must, nevertheless, remain as uncertain as the pace of change in the thirteenth century, and for much the same reasons. The archive of the royal treasury or Kammer, instituted by Ferdinand shortly after his accession, occupies today more than a kilometre of shelving in the Hungarian National Archive; the Chan- cellery archive a kilometre and a half; and the Judicial archive a further kilometre.

They thus convey the impression of a dominant class of landowners, overwhelmingly concerned with rights of prop- erty, for whom the ruler served both as the source of landed wealth and as the ­arbiter of their disputes. Halle, —i, 17— The chancellery and treasury operated for most of the later Middle Ages with only a few dozen officials apiece.

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Familiares were usually noblemen who had entered the service of greater lords in the expectation of pa- tronage and reward.